A recent American study has found that women undergoing IVF achieved a 95% pregnancy success rate over the course of 3 consecutive frozen embryo transfers, when utilising embryo viability screening (PGT-A) to select the best embryo to transfer. 

Dr. Bart Kuczera from Beacon CARE Fertility explains why the PGT-A test can be effective in reducing the number of unsuccessful embryo transfers :

“When a sperm fertilises an egg, the embryo should result in having 23 pairs of chromosomes, i.e., one from the egg and one from the sperm in each pair, for a total of 46 chromosomes. 

The PGT-A test can help identify embryos carrying this number of chromosomes and therefore the best chance of developing into a healthy pregnancy”.

“An embryo that doesn’t have the correct number of chromosomes will most likely fail to implant and if it does implant, it will most likely miscarry.”

Dr. Kuczera points out that the test may not be appropriate for all women, however women with a history of repeated miscarriages or failed IVF treatments can benefit from this screening. Women of older maternal age may also benefit from the test.

Over 4000 women with a median age of 35.4 years took part in the retrospective study from the RMA clinic in New Jersey, as reported by the European Society of Human Reproduction.

The study concluded that recurrent implantation failure was rare and more likely to be embryonic in nature than endometrial.
To read more about PGT-A, please check out our webpage HERE.

If you have questions about your fertility, we can help. Get in touch with our caring team at Dublin 01-293-2955 or info@beaconcarefertility.ie