Secondary Infertility

Secondary infertility is all the more concerning for couples because of the unexpected nature of its occurrence. When a couple have their much wanted baby they do not expect to have too much difficulty in achieving  a second child. 

photo of couple holding hands with their little fingers

Our consultant Dr. Bart Kuczera answers common questions regarding the upsetting issue of Secondary Infertility.

Why do some couples have difficulty conceiving the 2nd time around?
While other factors should be considered, secondary infertility is often a part of the natural aging process. For example, 1 in 5 couples who had a child in their 20’s or early 30’s may have trouble conceiving in their late 30’s.

A woman’s egg supply and egg quality will generally decrease as her maternal age increases, making a successful pregnancy more difficult. On the male side, poor-quality sperm can be a contributing factor.


couple holding both of their child's hand to swing them

I Suspect We Have A Secondary Infertility Issue. What Can We Do?
We recommend that you consult with a fertility consultant.

Typically, the consultant will arrange some simple tests to assess the sperm quality of the male, and the ovarian reserve of the woman. This will help the consultant devise a personal treatment plan for you.

Can IVF Treatment Help Our Chances Of Conceiving?
Yes, many couples can have a successful pregnancy with the help of IVF, even if the underlying cause of their secondary infertility remains unexplained.


What Other Treatment Options May Be Recommended?
If a woman is in her late 30’s or older, IVF with Embryo Genetic Testing (called PGT-A) may also be recommended.

When a sperm fertilises an egg, the embryo should result in having 23 pairs of chromosomes, i.e., one from the egg and one from the sperm in each pair, for a total of 46 chromosomes.

A PGT-A test can help identify the embryos containing this complete number of chromosomes, and therefore the best chance of developing into a healthy pregnancy. Embryos that don’t contain 46 chromosomes will rarely implant and if they do start to implant, will most likely miscarry.

To read more about Secondary Fertility, please read our blog post HERE.

We can help

We never underestimate the emotional effects of secondary infertility. If you are concerned that you may have a secondary infertility problem please talk to us.

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